Comprehensive Divorce Mediation
Who is it for? Couples who are at the beginning stages of their divorce journey and need extra guidance through the process from an experienced family law mediator.
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What’s included:
- Document checklist
- Marital Settlement Agreement Issue Roadmap
- Up to three 2-hr mediation sessions with an experienced family law mediator
- Child support calculation, if needed
- Marital Settlement Agreement Drafting
- Uncontested Divorce
Drama-Free Divorce Mediation
Who is it for? Couples who have worked out many of the details on their own, but want guidance to make sure they have not missed anything and to handle the process to make it official.
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What’s included:
- Document checklist
- Marital Settlement Agreement Issue Roadmap
- One 2-hr mediation session with an experienced family law mediator
- Child support calculation, if needed
- Marital Settlement Agreement Drafting
- Uncontested Divorce
Child Centric Mediation
Who is it for? Unmarried couples who want to create a parenting plan for their children.
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What’s included:
- Document checklist
- One 2-hr Mediation Session
- Child support calculation
- Parenting Plan Drafting
- Uncontested Custody Filing
Empowering Change: Modification Mediation
Who is it for? For parties who need to modify their existing Agreement or Court Order due to significant changes in circumstance (e.g. child support modification, custody modification, relocation, alimony modification, etc.)
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What’s included:
- Document checklist
- One 2-hr mediation session with an experienced family law mediator
- Child support calculation, if needed
- Drafting of agreement and necessary legal documentation to modify existing order
Pre/Post-Nuptial Mediation
Who is it for? Couples getting married (or who are already married) looking to create an agreement as to how assets will be divided or distributed in the event of divorce or death.
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What’s included:
- One 2-hr mediation session with an experienced family law mediator
- Drafting of pre/post-nuptial agreement