Celebration of LGBTQ+ pride is part of what makes Howard County such an inclusive and welcoming community. Howard County Pride will be celebrated on October 15th, 2023 at The Chrysalis,...
Divorce can be one of life's most challenging experiences, filled with emotions, uncertainties, and complex decisions. However, with the right mindset and actions, you can navigate this difficult journey with...
Child support in Maryland is established to ensure that children receive the financial support they need after their parents' separation or divorce. However, there are circumstances that may warrant the...
Alimony calculations can vary by jurisdiction and can be influenced by a variety of factors. In Maryland, alimony (also referred to as spousal support or maintenance) is determined on a...
Dealing with a difficult ex-partner can be challenging, especially if there are lingering negative emotions and unresolved issues. To help you remember a few effective techniques to rise above the...
Although your pet is a living, breathing member of your family, in Maryland, pets are generally considered property rather than family members, which means they are subject to property division...
Integrating step-parents into your family can be difficult, as it involves bringing together individuals from different family backgrounds and establishing new family dynamics. Here are some tips for how to...
Estate planning involves making decisions about how you want your assets and belongings to be distributed after your death. It is a process that allows you to ensure that your...
Imagine you are in a marriage where your spouse verbally and/or financially abuses you for years. They call you names, belittle you in front of the kids, and say you...
Coming to the end of a relationship can be an overwhelming experience. If you or your spouse recently made the difficult decision to end your marriage and have unanswered questions...