Filing for an uncontested divorce in Maryland can be confusing, especially for people who are not familiar with the legal requirements and rules. Here are a few tips on how...
Many people want to keep lawyers out of their divorce for lots of reasons – money, time, or fear that the lawyers will turn an uncontested divorce into a fight....
In a contested divorce, you and your spouse will likely spend thousands of dollars and nearly a year exchanging hundreds, if not thousands, of documents having multiple day trials and...
Mediation is a Chance to Control the Destiny of your Dispute. The hidden truth about legal disputes: Settling disputes outside of litigation gives the parties a chance to better control...
It is common for couples to accumulate property, as well as, debt throughout their marriage. When couples decide to divorce, they must also decide how to split their property and,...
The collaborative divorce process is a client-centered form of alternative dispute resolution, which enables clients, with the help of their attorneys and supporting professionals, to create positive outcomes in a...
Starting October 1, 2018, Maryland is extending the existing Mutual Consent ground for divorce to now include divorcing couples with minor children. Under the new law, couples with or without...