For anyone planning a wedding, negotiating a prenuptial agreement is not nearly as exciting as choosing your flowers or your menu selection. But, it may be one of the most...
The Maryland legislative session is in full swing and that means many bills are up for vote. During this session, there are several bills that would have drastic impacts on...
Mediation is a Chance to Control the Destiny of your Dispute. The hidden truth about legal disputes: Settling disputes outside of litigation gives the parties a chance to better control...
Are you recently separated or divorced with children? Are you struggling with parenting with an ex? The end of a relationship, especially a marriage, can be tumultuous. When you...
It is common for couples to accumulate property, as well as, debt throughout their marriage. When couples decide to divorce, they must also decide how to split their property and,...
The collaborative divorce process is a client-centered form of alternative dispute resolution, which enables clients, with the help of their attorneys and supporting professionals, to create positive outcomes in a...
Prenuptial agreements, also known as “prenups,” are contracts entered into by couples prior to marriage. Postnuptial agreements, also known as "postnups", are similar except couples enter into them after marriage....
Starting October 1, 2018, Maryland is extending the existing Mutual Consent ground for divorce to now include divorcing couples with minor children. Under the new law, couples with or without...
Multiple studies have shown that kids whose parents have separated are better adjusted when their parents are able to put their differences aside and work together for the benefit of...